Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Weekend Update: Thursday

Lecture and Demo by Andrew Rangell, Pianist
If you never heard Bach's "Well Tempered Clavier - Book 1," then you're missing out. It is old school like none other. Stop into the CFA to check out the master of music (Bach not Andrew).

Date: October 19th, 2006
Time: 4:30-5:30
Venue: CFA 221

Feeding the World's Most Populous Country: Organic Agriculture in China
If you missed Lila Buckley ('04) last week at the 30th anniversary of the Chinese Department, she is speaking again at the RAJ, this time with a bit more time and an important question.

Date: October 19th, 2006
Time: 4:30-6PM
Venue: Robert A. Jones '59 House

Nothing is better than a little black-box theater to kick off the weekend. Rishabh Kashyap and Leah Day rock the direction of several comedic scenes and one longer one-act. This will be an hour and a half well spent in the heat of Hepburn. ($1 admission)

Date: October 19/20/21, 2006
Time: 8PM (+11PM on Friday)
Venue: Hepburn Zoo

MCAB Pub Night: The Grift

If you're still on Fall Break fallout, come check out The Grift. Based in Burlington, these four guys can rock it pretty hard in lots of styles. Instrumentalist Peter Day is an alumni of Midd. One long set.

Date: October 19, 2006
Time: 9:00PM
Venue: Grille

Somehow the "Events at Middlebury" table-top calendar doesn't cut it. Weekend Update provides you with the latest and greatest events at Midd in the 96 hours starting Thursday and ending Sunday. Think we're missing something? Let us know: middblog [at] gmail [dot] com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

actually, i think he's probably an alumnus ;)

on the books...