Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mischords Launch New Website

The Middlebury Mischords launched a new website that ups the ante on the acappella websites by being up-to-date (for now). Perhaps it'll encourage the D8 and Bobolinks to update their websites with their latest CD offerings of "After Hours" and "Pseudo Kin" respectively. Mischords are continuing their recording process and hopefully will be able to get their CD out by the end of the semester, or else it'll be a long summer. Mountain Ayres recorded in Mead Chapel in the first week of J-Term and are looking at a March release. Stuck in the Middle (SIM) is planning their second album recording for the summer with a release in the fall of next year. Still, the Mamajamas have the craziest website for having a blowfish logo. Paradiddles should be peer pressured into building a website...

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