Monday, November 13, 2006

Weybridge House Applications

Weybridge House, that fun/odd one on the corner of Weybridge and College St, has sent out their applications for living there next semester. There are 18 spots in the co-op style academic interest house. They purchase and consume all local and organic food. But don't just apply if you like to eat and cook, there is a strong environmental conservation aspect and the house is particularly active in environmental activism on campus.

Is Weybridge just filling spots of juniors going abroad or are they really changing the whole house of residents? While I commend them for sending the application to the entire school instead of just a targeted group, I wonder if its productive to not let their current residents continue their concentrated environmental work there. Or is it that everyone living there is tired of throwing environmentally themed parties and want new people to take over? Anyone know what's going on with this?

Apply: Due Saturday, November 18th, 2006 to with completed application

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