Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Weekend Update: Thursday

Dawn Clements: "Travels with Myra Hudson"
If you ever dreamed about traveling to far away places, this slide lecture is for you. Travel and art, my loves.

Date: Thursday, October 26th, 2006
Time: 4:30-5:30
Venue: Johnson 304

Weybridge House Feast

MMC is celebrating the 75th anniversary of student climbing mountains, going polar-bearing, and getting hypothermia in the Vermont wilderness (I'm pretty sure the MMC has never lost anyone though). Stop by Weybridge (just walk towards town, corner house on Weybridge street) for a feast (organic, I'm assuming). Did I mention good food?

Date: Thursday, October 26th, 2006
Time: 6:30-8:30PM
Venue: Weybridge House

Everett Beekin
Chances are you know someone involved in this play: backstage, actors, assistant to the assistant director, secretary of the production manager, emergency costume sewer. Middlebury Theater is always time well spent. Those theater kids work hard so show 'em so love. Plus, it's about the most professional entertainment you'll find on campus!

Date: Thursday-Saturday, October 26-28th, 2006
Time: 8PM (Thurs-Sat), 2PM (Sat)
Venue: Seeler Studio Theater

MCAB Pub Night: The Woodshed
So, it's almost the weekend and you can totally put off that homework. Even though the beer's not free anymore, it's still fun, right?... The Woodshed

Date: Thursday, October 26th, 2006
Time: 9:30PM
Venue: Grille

Somehow the "Events at Middlebury" table-top calendar doesn't hack it. Weekend Update provides you with the latest and greatest events at Midd in the 96 hours starting Thursday and ending Sunday. Think we're missing something? Tip us off: middblog [at] gmail [dot] com.

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