Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Weekend Update: Sunday

Persian and Turkish Improv
If anyone saw the folks from Kyrgystan perform last year, it was mind-blowing. Persian and turkish, though very different cultures, should do the same this time. The "ethnic" series of concerts at the CFA are few and far between but always worth it.

Date: Sunday October 22, 2006
Time: 8-1oPM
Venue: CFA Concert Hall

MCAB Coffee House: Jenny Schneider
Jenny has an amazingly soulful voice. Listen to her bleed emotion as she accompanies on the piano and guitar while sipping your coffee or tea. Rumor has it that Jono Newton will also make a guest appearance.

Date: Sunday October 22, 2006
Time: 8-10Pm
Venue: Grille

Somehow the "Events at Middlebury" table-top calendar doesn't cut it. Weekend Update provides you with the latest and greatest events at Midd in the 96 hours starting Thursday and ending Sunday. Think we're missing something? Let us know: middblog [at] gmail [dot] com.

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